Raimondo Cruciani Pre-interview

“It’s not just the technique, but it’s something you feel inside”

How did it all start? When does the story of a 48-year career start?

“I started as an assistant between the sixties and the seventies, and from there I became an editor. In 1971 I did the editing of the film “West of Sacramento” and from there I started many collaborations, some of which with Ettore Scola, creating a collaboration of trust with him.”

To give a good preparation to our students at Rita Forzano’s school, can we explain what exactly the editor does?

“It is hard to explain. It is not just the technique; it’s something you feel inside.”

To better explain to our students, what is the role of the editor in a film?

“Our profession is often underestimated, but editing can change the story of a film.”

Gordana Ristic

Potete vedere la video intervista al seguente link: Intervista a Raimondo Crociani

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