Article – Only 7 Minutes

This article was published in the newspaper "IL TEMPO".

The work is freely inspired by a true story and from “7 minutes”: Works Council “By Stefano Massini, adapted by the theater company” The Mork “.

In this play “Only 7 minutes” there are 7 characters, three women and four men; the viewer puts himself in the shoes of these 7 people, 7 different minds, strong and weak at the same time, at war and accomplices, separated and united. 7 life stories where each character has his point of view, his fears, his opinions, his reasons for a “yes” or a “no”.

A choice of a few minutes, which hides something much deeper behind it. A proposal, “a small condition” that can change the life of each of them.

The story tells of individual dignity and values, of what we are willing to do in order not to lose our jobs. Where are our limits, how far can we go and what is the price we are willing to pay to live. The viewer has the opportunity to question his life by asking important questions about reality, life and survival.

In this cast, with the growth of a true drama, the director Tommaso Busiello, highlights the stability and fragility of each character in constant growth. At the same time we can see the difference, the strength and the fragility between men and women.


“Only 7 Minutes”
Petrolini Theater
Via Rubattino, 5, Rome Italy

Directed by: Tommaso Busiello

Assistant director: Samuel Campanella
Costumes: Rita Forzano
Executive production and press office: Gordana Ristic


 Osmin Lima ESPINOSA – Emanuele MAGGINI e con

 Barbara MAZZONI


Gordana Ristic

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