Protagonist – Humility and study of the text to be the first – the internship with Roberto Leoni

Having the honor of hosting the great director and screenwriter Roberto Leoni for the second time was pleasant for our students, but also for the numerous and important guests from the entertainment world.

The stage: Protagonist – Humility and study of the text to be the first, illustrated the ways that will lead an actor to become “the protagonist” by addressing the fundamental issues.

“A protagonist must be a warrior for his dreams and ideals.” Cit. Roberto Leoni.

Roberto Leoni has written more than 70 films, some of which have become true cult; also novels, poems and short stories, for radio, theater and television, but above all for cinema.

A great screenwriter and director, he told his anecdotes of his very rich career, explaining the difference, and also the importance, between a director and a screenwriter. The importance of conscience, civilization and dialogue to get to the same point.

Becoming a protagonist means: studying the character, giving one’s characteristics, giving wealth; which is made up of attention and intensity in gestures – where it is not a gesture, but which is “the gesture”, and in the end presenting the gesture, that gesture, in ten different ways. It is a majestic job for an actor, but above all it is the small details that make and create the difference. In this way an actor can become “the protagonist”, protagonist with the Crown.

“If you follow your idea with dignity, love and respect, it means that there is a commitment to improve yourself.”

It means committing oneself to one’s ideals, demonstrating human esteem.

Gordana Ristic

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